Inside Virtual ESY

Our summer program, known as ESY (Extended School Year) kicked off on Monday, July 6th. For the first time ever, this program is being held completely online. Each day, students have classes meant to maintain and shore-up their basic skills over the summer: intensive reading tutorial, writing workshop, and mathematics lab. Once the school day is over, students are able to take part in optional “specials” that include coding, dance, fitness, yoga, and citizenship.  

This is our largest summer program ever, with over 90% of our students attending ESY. This result is thanks to Chelsea’s initiative of ensuring that all of our students have access to direct instruction over the summer. We feel so strongly about the need for continuous instruction that we offered ESY programming to all of our students, regardless of their ability to afford the five-week program. This has proved to be a bit of a financial strain for the school, and we welcome all all donations to help support this program, which we feel is essential for our students. 

Students are attending their classes using the Google Meet application. In this platform, teachers are able to deliver small-group virtual instruction that seeks to mirror the intimate learning environment that is a hallmark of our normal campus programming. The results have been extremely positive, with students turning out in great numbers the first week to get back to learning!

This program works only as well as the technology resources available to keep it going. Thanks to a number of grants from public and private foundations, Chelsea has been able to provide all of our students who need one with a Chromebook. As the virtual programming continues, the need for more Chromebooks and vital technological infrastructure increases. To contribute to this urgent area of financial need, please go to

Academic Fair and Open House POSTPONED


The April 2 Academic Fair & Open House will be postponed until further notice.

Beginning March 16 through March 27, Chelsea School will transition to virtual classroom in support of Governor Hogan’s announcement to close public schools.  Chelsea’s campus will remain closed during that time.

Chelsea School will be hosting an Academic Fair and Open House on Thursday, April 2 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  In addition to student exhibits showcasing academic projects, there will be student-led tours, a presentation by our Admissions Director, and time for Q&A with Chelsea Leadership. Space is limited and these opportunities are scheduled, so please RSVP and be here at 6:00 pm to get the whole Chelsea experience! CLICK HERE or email to register.

Chelsea School is located at 2970 Belcrest Center Drive, Suite 300 (on the 4th floor) in Hyattsville, MD 20782.

Taking Metro? We’re right outside the PG Plaza Station on the Green Line.

Driving? Follow signs for parking at the Metro Shops. Chelsea can be accessed from the top deck of the garage; parking is free and ample.

Open House Wednesday, February 26th!

Join us!

Chelsea School will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, February 26 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. There will be student-led tours, a presentation by our Admissions Director, and time for Q&A with Chelsea Leadership. Space is limited and these opportunities are scheduled, so please RSVP and be here at 9:00 am to get the whole Chelsea experience! CLICK HERE or email to register.

Chelsea School is located at 2970 Belcrest Center Drive, Suite 300 (on the 4th floor) in Hyattsville, MD 20782.

Taking Metro? We’re right outside the PG Plaza Station on the Green Line.

Driving? Follow signs for parking at the Metro Shops. Chelsea can be accessed from the top deck of the garage; parking is free and ample.

Open House Tuesday, January 28th!

Join us!

Chelsea School will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, January 28 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. There will be student-led tours, a presentation by our Admissions Director, and time for Q&A with Chelsea Leadership. Space is limited and these opportunities are scheduled, so please RSVP and be here at 9:00 am to get the whole Chelsea experience! CLICK HERE or email to register.

Chelsea School is located at 2970 Belcrest Center Drive, Suite 300 (on the 4th floor) in Hyattsville, MD 20782.

Taking Metro? We’re right outside the PG Plaza Station on the Green Line.

Driving? Follow signs for parking at the Metro Shops. Chelsea can be accessed from the top deck of the garage; parking is free and ample.

December Fundraising is Here!

Follow @ChelseaSchool on Facebook and listen to some truly amazing stories, then use the ‘Support Chelsea’ tab at the top of this page to make a difference for someone with a learning difference!


Open House Thursday, October 17th!

Join us!

Chelsea School will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, October 17 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am.  There will be student-led tours, a presentation by our Admissions Director, and time for Q&A with Chelsea Leadership.  Space is limited and these opportunities are scheduled, so please RSVP and be here at 9:00 am to get the whole Chelsea experience!  CLICK HERE or email to register.  

Chelsea School is located at 2970 Belcrest Center Drive, Suite 300 (on the 4th floor) in Hyattsville, MD 20782.  

Taking Metro?  We’re right outside the PG Plaza Station on the Green Line.

Driving?  Follow signs for parking at the Metro Shops.  Chelsea can be accessed from the top deck of the garage; parking is free and ample.

Setting Students with ADHD up for College Success

Please join us Tuesday, May 7, from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm for the second in our 2018-19 series of public engagement events.  This collaborative effort between The University of Maryland’s Brain and Behavior Initiative and Chelsea School is aimed at strengthening our community’s knowledge of learning disabilities.  Speakers, along with Chelsea School staff, will be available for a brief question and answer session following each presentation.

Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscano received her Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and completed a clinical internship at the University of Chicago. She joined the faculty of the University of Maryland-College Park in 2002. Dr. Chronis-Tuscano directs the Maryland ADHD Program. her research focuses broadly on understanding early predictors of developmental outcomes for children with ADHD (including depression and alcohol/substance use) and developing novel treatments which target these early risk and protective factors. Much of this research has addressed issues related to maternal parenting and psychopathology (namely, maternal depression and ADHD). A secondary line of research, conducted in collaboration with faculty in Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, aims to examine the trajectory of young children displaying early behavioral inhibition, including the development of psychopathology, and to intervene by targeting key moderators of outcome (e.g., parenting and social relationships).

Free & Open to the Public.

For directions, or to RSVP (encouraged), please contact:
(240) 467 – 2100

2019 Walk for Learning Differences

This Saturday, April 27, Chelsea School will hold its third annual Walk for Learning Differences. Students, parents, and teachers will get out in the community to raise awareness for learning differences, and the services available right here in Hyattsville.  

Our plan is to meet at 9:00am on the top deck of Chelsea’s parking garage (2970 Belcrest Center Drive in Hyattsville).  We will depart from the Chelsea School campus at 9:30am. Together, we will walk from Belcrest Road to Queensbury Road, and South on 42nd Avenue to Hyattsville Middle School.  Chelsea will join up with other community groups and walk in the Hyattsville City Parade, starting at 11:00am. We will finish the day at the Hyattsville Anniversary Carnival at Magruder Park.

As a non-profit, Chelsea is committed to keeping special education accessible in our community.  This is your chance to stand with Chelsea and help tell our story. If you haven’t already, visit and give the amount that’s comfortable for you.  Any amount helps, every amount makes a difference.  As always, please contact the school or your child’s Advisor for more information—we are always here to answer any questions!

Open House and Academic Fair

Please join us on April 4, 2019 for a unique opportunity to tour Chelsea and check out some work by our incredible students!

The Academic Fair features student projects and writings from throughout the year.  Student exhibits open at 6:00 pm, and displays range from the interactive to personal presentations.  Our Admissions Director and Leadership Corps will be available for questions and tours of the school.  Q&A begins at 7:00 pm.

All are welcome, but space is limited!  Please RSVP or send any questions to Debbie Lourie, Director of Admissions at or contact the school for more information.