United States History (9th Grade)
United States History in the 9th grade focuses on the study of modern American history. The primary focus of the course is from 1877 America to the present. Students will participate in the examination of the Progressive Era, The Jazz Age, world wars and cold wars, depression, civil rights, Watergate, and America today. An in-depth investigation of historical events and periods, the fostering of multicultural awareness, the recognition of ethical, civic, and democratic values present in American history, and the development of a historical perspective in relation to contemporary events represent the major aspects of the course. Literature, music art, primary readings, videos, simulations and other activities will be used to enhance the subject.
National, State, and Local Government (10th Grade)
The primary goal of NSL Government is to teach you the inner workings of U.S., state, and local government. Second, but no less important, the course seeks to develop the analytical skills needed to help make better sense of government and the subsequent impact government has in our daily lives.
In completing this course, you will understand major political ideas and forms of government in history; understand how constitutional government, as developed in the United States, has been influenced by people, ideas, and historical documents; understand the roles played by individuals, political parties, interest groups, and the media in the U.S. political system, past and present; understand why certain places and regions are important to the United States; understand how government policies can affect the physical and human characteristics of places and regions; understand the roles played by local, state, and national governments in both the public and private sectors of the U.S. free enterprise system; understand the relationship between U.S. government policies and international trade; understand the American beliefs and principles reflected in the U.S. Constitution; understand the structure and functions of the government created by the U.S. Constitution; understand the concept of federalism; understand the processes for filling public offices in the U.S. system of government; understand the role of political parties in the U.S. system of government; understand the similarities and differences that exist among the U.S. system of government and other political systems; understand rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution; understand the difference between personal and civic responsibilities; understand the importance of voluntary individual participation in the U.S. democratic society; understand the importance of the expression of different points of view in a democratic society; understand the relationship between government policies and the culture of the United States; understand the role the government plays in developing policies and establishing conditions that influence scientific discoveries and technological innovations; and understand the impact of advances in science and technology on government and society.
World History I (Ancient to Pre-Modern History)
World History I surveys global history from the prehistoric era through to the Napoleonic Wars. Topics covered in this class include early civilizations, world religions, the Muslim world, empires in East Asia, societies and empires of Africa, European Middle Ages, the formation of Western Europe, people and empires in the Americas,European Renaissance and Reformation, the Age of Explorations and Isolation, the Atlantic World, absolute monarchs in Europe, the Enlightenment and Revolution, and the French Revolution and Napoleon.
World History II (Modern History)
World History II begins with the Industrial Revolution and concludes with the major world events of today.Topics studied in this course include the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Democracy and Progress, the Age of Imperialism, World War I, Revolution and Nationalism, World War II, the Postwar World, Colonies become New Nations, Global Interdependence, the Conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, and topics in modern and current history.